Members Fellowship 勉勵會
溫哥華慈恩紀念華人協和聯合教會的教友勉勵會,已經成立了接近20年。活動的時間是每月第二個星期日崇拜後,在下午1時30分至3時左右。 活動方面,以照顧會友的需要為主。我們曾舉辦了各類型的講座,包含有健康、法律、保險等方面的內容。此外每年還舉辦一次較大規模的戶外旅行,乘坐大型旅遊車,由導遊帶領,共同享受一天的歡樂時光。在每次聚會中我們還有靈修時間,有機會學習更多神的話語,遵行神的誡命。 教友勉勵會的會員須繳交年費10元。今年會員有85人,在經費運作方面得到各教友的大力捐助而得以自給自足。在高牧師的帶領和各職員同心協力下,會友的靈命及身心都得到飽足。 It has been almost twenty years now since the Members Fellowship of the Chown Memorial Chinese United Church first started. We meet after the service on the second Sunday of every month, from 1:30pm to 3:00pm. Most of the activities cater to the needs of our members, including various seminars on health, law, insurance, etc. There is also an annual day trip and picnic, with a tour guide and a tour bus. At every meeting, we also allocate a time slot for Bible study so that we can learn more about God’s word and follow His guidance. The annual membership fee for the Members Fellowship is C$10.00. There are 85 members this year. The operating expense is self-sustainable as a result of the donation of members. Under the leadership of the Reverend Everest Kao and other staff, members are able to benefit spiritually and physically. Praise the Lord ! Amen !