華人協和教會在溫哥華已有一百一十幾年歷史,原在溫哥華華埠內設堂,後於一九九二年與同樣有著濃厚循道衛理背景之慈恩紀念協和教會聯合,成為今天的慈恩紀念華人協和聯合教會﹝溫哥華甘比街CAMBIE ST., 3519號﹞。我們以傳統基督教信仰自豪,堅守真道、廣傳福音。

In 1992, our two founding congregations, each with over 100 years of service in Vancouver, and each coming form a strong Methodist background, amalgamated to from our bilingual church. We are proud of our heritage, expressing a conservative, traditional faith perspective with the United Church of Canada.