
一班主內弟兄姊妹共同感受到神的呼召,希望透過高科技的影音設備及現代詩歌用音樂去敬拜神。「 一個不一樣的敬拜、一個以音樂為主的敬拜」是我們的口號。希望藉著新的形式吸引更多的年青人到來教會,有機會接觸福音及參與教會其他的活動。


Our brothers and sisters responded to God’s prompting. By His inspiration a fellowship time was developed where multimedia and modern music would be used to enhance the worship experience. “An Unusual Worship, a Music Worship” would be our theme. Our hope was that this new form of worship would fill the spiritual needs of the younger generation. We also hoped that music and fellowship would create opportunities for sharing the Gospel resulting in greater participation in the church.

Our Music Ministry worships on the last Sunday morning of every month from 11:30 am to 12:45 pm.   Everyone is welcome to join us.